Why Do Some Places In Body Swell

To much fluids in tissues. Lots of things can lead to edema which
is often harmless and usually goes away on its own. But if it sticks
around then medical advice is a necessity particularly if it is 
associated with chest  pain. Pulmonary edema is a condition in 
which there is much fluid in lungs leading to difficulty in breathing.

Edema Can Be Caused By Deficiency Of Albumin

Albumin is a protein and it keeps sodium and water inside the blood 
vessels. Deficiency of this nutrient may lead to leakage of sodium 
and water out of blood vessels and will result in edema formation. 
Diseases of liver and kidney and a protein deficient diet may lead 
to albumin deficiency. 

Too Much Salt Can Cause Edema

Kidneys use sodium and potassium to get rid of extra fluid from body.
But too much salt can keep them from doing so and may lead to 
retention of extra fluid which may show up in lower legs. If this 
happens salt intake should be cut down. 

Standing Or Sitting For Long Time

can make feet, ankle and lower legs to swell. This happens often
during a long car drive or flight especially in hot season when 
blood vessels are already dilated.