Conditions That May Affect Kidneys

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

Chronic kidney disease is permanent damage of kidneys tissue which 
may get worse over time. There are many health problems which may
cause chronic kidney disease. If kidneys are so damaged that they stop
working, it is called kidney failure or end stage renal disease (ESRD).
Treatment is either dialysis when a machine does the function of
kidney or a transplant when kidney is replaced by one a donor donates.


Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure. It damages the small
blood vessels and filters of kidney which make it difficult for organs 
to clear the blood. As a result body retains more salt and water and 
waste products accumulate in body. There may also be damage to
nerve which lead to urine infection.  

Anorexia Nervosa

People with this condition have unrealistic body image. Either they don't 
eat enough to have healthy weight or they binge eat that is they eat and 
vomit or take laxative to get rid of calories. There will be a lack of water,
salt and electrolyte in body which will ultimately lead to kidney failure. 

High Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is the pressure exerted by blood on the walls of blood 
vessel. If it is constantly remain high it will damage the walls of blood
vessel by stretching, scaring and weakening them. Kidney function will
be impaired and may result in accumulation of water and salt which will
further increase the blood pressure.  


Lupus is an auto immune disease which affects own body parts. When 
kidney is involved it is called lupus nephritis. It will result in damage 
to blood vessel coming in and going out of kidneys and may lead to 
kidney failure. 

Multiple Myeloma

This is a cancerous condition involving white blood cells. The cancer 
cells crowd up in bone marrow and form abnormal proteins which 
damage kidney tissue. More than half of the patient with this 
condition end up with kidney problems.  

Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome

This happens when diarrhea caused by a bacteria E. coli or by some
medications last 5 to 10 days. Properly treated people recover completely.
If not properly and quickly treated it will damage small vessels in kidney
and other organs. 

Urine Blockage

If there is less frequent urination, or more often than usual or if there is 
blood in urine, it may mean that there is some thing wrong in urinary 
system. An enlarged prostate, prostate cancer, blood clot in urinary
tract, kidney stones, bladder cancer and colon cancer may lead 
to blockage and back up of urine which will damage kidney tissue.

Poly Cystic Kidney Disease

There is cyst formation filled with fluid in kidney. It is a genetic 
disorder transfers from one of parents. The kidney will be larger
than usual. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment is must other
wise kidney will get permanent damage resulting to chronic
kidney disease.