Gerd or gastro esophageal reflux is when acid in stomach flows wrong way -- back into esophagus -- the tube connecting stomach to throat. It is also known as acid reflux. It may result in chest pain, cough, troubled swallowing especially on lying down. Some times it can bring sour liquid or bits of food back into mouth. 

Role Of Food

What food we eat has its role. Red meat, onions,
acidic foods and chocolate may make gerd worse.
But there are many foods which may help or at least
not make it worse.

Chicken Breast

Remove skin, bake them or saute them, they will be
packed with protein.


Water is best if you have acid reflux. Soda, alcohol and sugary drinks may make things worse. Carbonated drinks may increase gases and may result in burping which will increase the problem.

This root can help calm an upset stomach. Chewing
some dried ginger or take hot ginger tea without caffeine. 

It is a low acid fruit and on a hot summer day nothing can
beat a big wedge of ripe watermelon.

Brown Rice
Brown rice is a complex carbohydrate which takes
longer time for digestion which is better for acid reflux.
It also has more fiber which may also help. 

It has plenty of fiber, will fill you up, and is hearty
enough to give energy for hours. Don't add cream,
sugar, syrup or dried food. Look for fresh fruit instead.


Potatoes, carrots, turnips and parsnips are good root
vegetables. They are full of healthy carbs and digestible
fiber. Just don't cook them with onion or garlic or you may get acid reflux.

Lettuce And Celery 

Lettuce and celery are mild veggies which are healthy, low in calories easy on stomach and they won't cause gases.