Scientifically Proven Tips To Lose Belly Fat
Belly fat or visceral fat is a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes, coronary artery disease and stroke. In the following few lines some scientifically proven tips are written for you to take control of your belly fat.
When you feel your clothes are getting tighter, its time to take care about your belly fat.
Doctors consider it a very serious matter about your health.
Body mass index (BMI) is used to classify weight and predict about metabolic syndrome.
But for people having excess belly fat it may be misleading.
And losing belly fat is difficult if not impossible. Yet, there are some scientifically proven ways to try for losing belly fat.
1. Soluble Fiber
Soluble fiber or dietary fiber is the plant derived portion of food which can not be digested by human digestive enzymes.
These fibers absorbs water and form a gel which slows down the passage of food through alimentary canal. This produces a fullness effect and you eat less. Dietary fiber also decreases the number of calories absorbed.
An observational study done on 1100 individuals for 5 years revealed a 3.7% decrease in belly fat gain when dietary fiber intake was increased by 10 grams.
flax seed
are some of great sources of dietary fiber.
Soluble fibers produce a feeling of fullness and reduce the calorie uptake which benefits you in losing your belly fat. So increase amount of soluble fiber in your diet.

2. Avoid trans fat rich foods
Trans fats are a type of fats produced by pumping hydrogen ion into unsaturated fats. They are naturally found in small amount in meat and mild fat.
They are mainly found in margarine, spreads and also added to packaged food.
Inflammation, coronary heart disease, insulin resistance, and abdominal fat gain are observed in people consuming these type of fats.
3. Reduce the intake of alcohol
Alcohol consumption is particularly harmful for liver function. Also excessive use of alcohol can lead to excessive fat deposition on your belly. So give off use alcohol if you want to remain smart.
4. High Protein diet
Protein is very important constitute of your diet. Increasing the intake of protein results in release of a pancreatic peptide yy hormone. This hormone reduces appetite and promotes fullness.
Many observational studies have shown that people taking high protein diet have less abdominal fat.
Good sources of protein are
whey proteins
Stress is a trigger for release of cortisol hormone from adrenal glands. Cortisol is known as stress hormone. High levels of this hormone result in increase in appetite which lead to gain weight and deposition of fat on your belly.
In women who already have large waist stress may result in more production of cortisol.
To reduce stress level engage yourself in pleasurable activities. Practicing yoga is good and also meditation may be tried.
6. Sugary foods
Fructose, sugar present in fruits, and refined sugar all are linked to increased risk of developing obesity, type-2 diabetes, heart disease and fatty liver.
So try to reduce sugar intake.
7. Aerobic Exercise
Studies show that aerobic exercise is an effective method of reducing your waistline. This will burn your calories and will help in reducing belly fat.
A study conducted on postmenopausal women showed reduction of belly fat in women who worked out for 300 minutes per week.
8. Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates, particularly refined carbohydrates are major source of energy for your body. Obese people can get benefit by reducing their intake of carbohydrates to 50 grams per day. This will help to mobilize fats from your belly.
9. Beverages sweetened with sugar
Fructose is the major component of these beverages and they are more dangerous than high sugar foods. Consider reducing intake of soda and other sugary beverages.
9. Fatty fish every week
all are great source of high quality protein and omega 3 fats.
10. Fruit Juices
Contrary to common belief fruit juices may be as bad as beverages if used in large quantities on regular basis. They contain lot of amount of fructose which may lead to fat deposition in liver and abdomen.
So try to reduce fruit juices consumption and replace it with fresh water.
11. Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is made by fermenting apple juice. It contains acetic acid. It has many health benefits including reduction of abdominal fat storage.
A 12 week controlled study revealed following results. Obese men were given 15 ml of apple cider vinegar. They lost about half an inch (1.4 cm) from their waistline.
15 to 30 ml of apple cider vinegar is usually well tolerated by common but it should be diluted before using other wise it may erode the enamel of teeth.
12. Intermittent fasting
Intermittent fasting has emerged as very popular method of losing weight.
It's an eating pattern of alternate eating and fasting.
Some people fast for 24 hours once or twice a week. Others fast for 16 hours and eat in next 8 hours.
4 to 7% decrease in abdominal fat has been observed within 6 to 24 weeks.
13.Green tea
Green tea has been considered as exceptionally healthy beverage. Caffeine and antioxidant epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) present in green tea are metabolism booster. Green tea has been used for losing belly fat.
There are no magic solutions for losing belly fat.
Consistency, commitment, effort and perseverance on your part is a must.
Adopt some or all the methods mentioned in this article among with life style changes will definitely help you lose belly fat.