5 Brain-Boosting Foods That Will Improve Your Memory

A saying says "you are what you eat".

However, there are some foods good for brain. Eating these foods will improve your memory. 


Blueberries consist of 14% carbohydrates, 0.7% proteins, 0.3% fat and 84% water. They contain moderate amount of  dietary minerals like  manganese, Vitamin C, vitamin K and fiber.  A 100 gram serving provides a relatively low caloric value of 57 kcal with a glycemic load of 6.
They protect your brain from oxidative stress. Research shows that people with cognitive impairment, when given blue berries for few weeks, showed improvement in memory, improved brain activity and better cognitive behavior. 
Regular use may decrease the chances of getting Alzheimer disease. 


Have you ever taken a cup of coffee before exams? Caffeine present in coffee speed ups reaction time of brain and your brain performance increases for short time. A research found that individuals who drank more caffeine had better scores in memory tests. Coffee relieves headache. There are evidences that coffee may be beneficial to prevent Alzheimer disease and Parkinsonism. 
A word of caution: Don't over use coffee as it may make you irritable. 

Nuts and seeds are great source of vitamin E, which help to prevent cognitive decline. Not only your brain gets benefit from vitamin E but your heart will also be happy. Nuts and seeds have been linked to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. 
Other good sources of vitamin E are eggs and cooked vegetables. 


Mono saturated fats are present in avocado in good amount. Mono saturated fats are good in maintaining a healthy blood flow. This is in turn beneficial for both heart and brain. Avocado are also a good source of potassium. Potassium help in lowering blood pressure. As high blood pressure impairs cognitive abilities, low blood pressure will help brain to stay fit. Further more fiber in avocado reduces bad cholesterol level and in turn prevents from coronary heart disease.  

Whole grains

Whole grains like whole wheat, rice, barley and brown rice are great sources of fiber, vitamin E and antioxidants. They have more intact nutrients as compared to white flour. They are good for heart health and easy flow of blood through blood vessels. This in turn good for brain as it get ample supply of oxygen and other nutrients.