What Is Wrecking Your Sleep

If you get up during the night and can't go back to sleep, there is
usually a reason for this. An illness, heart burn, hot flashes,stress,
anxiety, depression and what you eat or drink can keep you up. 

Medicine Can Keep You Awake

A lot of medicines like antidepressant, over the counter pain relievers,
and decongestants can disrupt sleep. Some medicines for heart
and blood pressure like beta blockers and diuretics can also get in way
of good nights rest. 

Sleep Apnea

Snoring and snorting while sleeping might be a sign of sleep apnea. 
If you have it, your airways gets blocked, which wakes you up.
It might happen countless time though you may not remember
it in the morning. 
People with sleep apnea are at higher risk of blood pressure and
heart disease.

What To Do If You Get Up And Can't Get Back To Sleep

If you wake up and can't get back to sleep in 15 to 20 minutes then
don't stay in bed, instead get up, go to another room, read a book,
or take a bath, or have a snack or do something else. When you 
feel sleepy get back into bed.
Go to bed and wake up at same times every day.
Avoid caffeine 4 to 6 hours before bed time.
Finish dinner several hours before going to bed.
Don't drink too much water. It may wake you up many time
to use bath room.
Over the counter sleep medications will not work in long run.
They may result in "hangover".